
Free download rational rose for uml diagrams
Free download rational rose for uml diagrams

  • Marks Methods : addMarks(), editMarks(), deleteMarks(), updateMarks(), saveMarks(), searchMarks().
  • Examinations Methods : addExaminations(), editExaminations(), deleteExaminations(), updateExaminations(), saveExaminations(), searchExaminations().
  • Students Methods : addStudents(), editStudents(), deleteStudents(), updateStudents(), saveStudents(), searchStudents().
  • Faculties Attributes : faculty_id, faculty_teacher_id, faculty_name, faculty_room, faculty_type, faculty_descriptionĬlasses and their methods of Examination Management System Class Diagram:.
  • Papers Attributes : paper_id, paper_exam_id, paper_subject, paper_time paper_name, paper_type, paper_description.
  • Courses Attributes : course_id, course_student_id, course_registration, course_name, course_type, course_year, course_description.
  • Marks Attributes : mark_id, mark_student_id, mark_exam_id, mark_result, mark_number, mark_type, mark_description.
  • Examinations Attributes : exam_id, exam_student_id, exam_roll_number, exam_date exam_name, exam_type, exam_description.
  • Students Attributes : student_id, student_college_id, student_name, student_mobile, student_email, student_username, student_password, student_address.
  • Faculties Class : Manage all the operations of FacultiesĬlasses and their attributes of Examination Management System Class Diagram:.
  • Papers Class : Manage all the operations of Papers.
  • Courses Class : Manage all the operations of Courses.
  • Marks Class : Manage all the operations of Marks.
  • Examinations Class : Manage all the operations of Examinations.
  • Students Class : Manage all the operations of Students.
  • Classes of Examination Management System Class Diagram: The main classes of the Examination Management System are Students, Examinations, Marks, Courses, Papers, Faculties. Examination Management System Class Diagram describes the structure of a Examination Management System classes, their attributes, operations (or methods), and the relationships among objects.

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